Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I brought a CALQL8R for SHW & TEL

The unsurprising news (can we call it "news"?) that Virginia has the most vanity plates was announced last week. (Story tip courtesy of Erin. Thanks!) 1 in 10 drivers there has a personalized plate. Guess why? Because they're so damn cheap there! Let's consider all variables when doing such studies next time.

A road trip through Virginia this weekend, from Maryland to South Carolina, netted a few gems, but none were actually in Virginia. Go figure.

On the way to a football game came NFL BOYS.

In Columbia, I passed by SHW & TEL, which I particularly enjoyed, and AUSCFAN parked illegally directly outside the door of a bar. So appropriate.

And after eight hours of driving home, half a block from my apartment, I passed CALQL8R. Very cute indeed.

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