Wednesday, October 31, 2007

RIBBIT: Frog on wheels

Blogging friend Lara at Red Red Whine reminds me of the bright green Honda Del Sol she spotted with the plate: RIBBIT.

I love personified animals. Even if the personification is really more of carified.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Do WE57 HAM and AR53 NAL play each other?

No vanity plates in England + crazed soccer hooligans = 57,000 pounds at auction for the plate WE57 HAM.

That beat the previous record of 36,000 pounds for AR53 NAL.

"The atmosphere in the auction room was electric -- it was like a cup final," said Damian Lawson, Marketing Manager for Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency Personalized Registrations.

Yes. I'm sure.

OWNZORZ: That car is mine!


I love it when Internet-speak makes it onto license plates.


On a red Honda Accord sedan. Spotted near the Rite Aid on Cathedral St. on the edge of Mount Vernon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Is it an organ recipient, or Second Life fanatic?